Nothing Changes


Nothing Changes

At Changing Tomorrow, we are committed to sculpting a better future through the power of storytelling and community engagement. Through our educational initiatives, advocacy efforts, and collaborative projects, we strive to illuminate the roots of discrimination and inequality, empowering present and future generations to dismantle systemic barriers and cultivate a world where every individual is valued, respected and has an equal path towards endless opportunity. Grounded in the belief that exposure and shared experiences are the key to success, we aim to create thought-provoking initiatives that create community conversation encouraging continued dialogue and a type of learning experience that ignites transformative change.

We must become Change MakerS & Action Takers!

Exposure to Diversity

We want to create environments that help people develop a broader understanding and appreciation of diversity, reducing the likelihood of racial biases. Early introduction to books, tv shows, toys and games that promote diverse interactions and experiences is the most natural way to expose children to different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

Education & Awareness

We want accurate information about race and racism provided to our children from the beginning. We can help children develop a critical understanding of racial issues and motivate them to take positive action in the future. We must supply them with opportunities for age-appropriate discussions, learning through participation, and media channels that promote anti-racist values. We want to build a foundation on which we teach children about the importance of equality and justice.

Challenging Stereotypes

We want to encourage early socialization to actively challenge and counteract racial stereotypes. We aim to promote positive interactions and highlight the achievements and contributions of individuals from various racial backgrounds. This is the best way for children to develop a more accurate and more balanced perception and reduce prejudice and bias.

WAYS TO ENCOURAGE Intercultural Exchanges

  • Organize cultural events, festivals and activities where people can learn and experience the foods, dress and music from different racial and cultural backgrounds.

  • Create cultural awareness events in schools where students can have a sense of pride in their own culture and greater appreciation for others.

  • Teach the value of different cultural practices, norms, and perspectives, promoting respect and reducing racial divisions.

WAYS TO Teach Empathy and Perspective

  • Encourage people to put themselves in others’ shoes.

  • Teach the value of listening, respect and understanding different viewpoints.

  • Promote discussions that allow people to share their experiences and learn from one another.

Exploring environments that ENCOURAGE cross-cultural interactions, foster mutual understanding, and help to build a more inclusive and fair society